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Developing a global campaign for non-formal education and learning workshop 2

Wednesday 12 October 3:45 PM


How can we reach 4, 8, 12 million participants by 2030 and beyond? How can we continue to win major new contracts with globally recognised institutions and partners? How can we continue to be relevant for todays and future generations of young people? 

One solution to the above challenges is through the development and implementation of a major new global campaign for non-formal education and learning. The campaign will reinforce the case for the Award, raise our profile and build advocates and thought leaders for non-formal education and learning. 

The Foundation has been working hard to raise funds to support the launch of this campaign and are delighted to say we are very close to being able to announce something – more details at Forum… 

This workshop will help shape the campaign, build our shared objectives and begin to define the activities that we will collectively deploy to deliver on our shared ambition. 


  • Update the Association on the plans for a global campaign for non-formal education and learning and how it relates to a larger strategic initiative 
  • Develop the campaign objectives and clarify how they link back to supporting the work of the Award 
  • Develop the proposed activities for the campaign 
  • Explore the role of a ‘Global Campaign Steering Committee’ to help shape and govern the campaign over the next three years.

For virtual attendees please follow the link below:

Developing a global campaign 2  Meeting ID: 898 9200 9271  Passcode: 082974