Limited Hybrid
International Council Meeting 1
Tuesday 11 October 11:00 AM
The International Council (IC) meets once a year at one of the Association’s key governance events depending on our calendar. The most recent physical IC meeting took place in Great Missenden, United Kingdom, in November 2019.
The International Council comprises 12 representatives who were appointed at Forum 2018 (to represent the interests of National Award Operators and Independent Award Centres in each of the regions), eight Emerging Leader Representatives. the International Award Foundation Trustee board and the Secretary General of the International Award Association. The Rt Hon The Lord Boateng PC DL, is Chair of the IC.
In this first meeting of the International Council, the Association is invited to observe the discussion and decision-making processes of the Council.
For virtual attendees please access the meeting below:
IC 1 | | Meeting ID: 851 0443 0390 | Passcode: 514445 |